Torrent To Google Drive uploader

We mostly rely on websites like seedr and other web services to get a resumable link or direct link. but these sites have a limit in storage size.

in this, we will show how to download a torrent file using a google drive storage.

this is 100% safe and even after adding you can remove the access in the settings if you want.

goto this link:

this Will open in collab by default (Google Colab is a free cloud service and now it supports free GPU! You can; improve your Python programming language coding skills. develop deep learning applications using popular libraries such as Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and OpenCV.)

step 1: go to the link and sign in with google account

step2: GO TO RUNTIME   “change the run time TYPE “OPTION  to GPU.( THIS OPTION GIVES MAXIMUM BANDWIDTH TO UPLOAD THE FILE TO DRIVE .this option can be used mostly one time else u can run in another mode)

FireShot Capture 004 - Copy of Torrent To Google Drive Downloader - Colaboratory_ -

step 3 : Click on connect

you need to execute the following code/ block every time you open code lab again FireShot Capture 005 - Copy of Torrent To Google Drive Downloader - Colaboratory_ -

to execute the code :

step 3execute the first block Install libtorrent and Initialize Session

step 4:now mount the drive for that go to the given website and copy the access code after sign in with your Google account

Step5: paste the access code.

step 6: add the magnetic link or file

step 7: execute the download block which will upload your file to drive

step 8: after it is completed wait for some time

step 9: now goto to the google drive and files will be in the torrent folder .


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